On Super Death
Whether it be plunderphonics, glitchcore or digital hardcore, they all have this similar affect on me. It's like a sonic storm of electricity and perverse nostalgia, a reflection of the chaos and turmoil of our single use plastics and screen-captured degradation.

On Maxine Gillon
I remember him saying before I well and truly blacked out, my head and heart pulsing “Franc, it's ok - it's just Dad. America can be a cheap playhouse, let's get back to my hotel and unwrap this persona for you - you'll find i'm just as glamourous as your hallowed rockers.

On Julia Jacklin
These days, I’ll readily acknowledge that I’m getting old - Nothing quite like some bird watching soundtracked by Ryuichi Sakamoto. With the bird of temporality on my shoulder, I seek out the what the kids are subjected to, I do this through the state-sanctioned youth culture buzzer Triple J.

On 208l Containers
I know you feel this: the pistols, skase, milli vanilli, fuckin’ cryptocurrencies - the swindles never end!